Is there an EV in my future?

There seems to be an assumption by many that electric vehicles will be subsidized, perhaps down to the upper middle class (in the American sense of that term), or maybe even the middle-middle class. Something tells me the hoopty class will never get a seat at the EV table. Our socio-economic tier is running on fumes as evidenced by the plethora of car-repair-financing scams advertised on over-the-air television. As the shills for that industry delight in pointing out, every car has a four-figure repair bill in its future, and DIY isn’t a thing any more. The repairability and other vendor-lock-in stories I’ve heard about electric vehicles suggest five-figure repair bills may be the new norm (albeit with better statistical reliability until the aggressively proprietary battery dies). My prediction would be that we the people of humble means will get gently ushered out of the larger society (into a largely homebound life), perhaps with a UBI as sort of a pacifier, before American society gets serious about mass transit.

1 comment

  1. Here’s another scenario: The development of competitively-priced self-driving (autonomous?) EVs cause the end of personal vehicle ownership. “Taxis” become the cheapest form of personal transport. EVs are suited to this because they operate most economically when they rack up very high mileage and because it’s much easier to park and store 100 “taxis” than 1,000 privately-owned vehicles that just sit around 97% of the time.

    Need a vehicle? decide on the options you require for your trip and order it with your phone. Want to make some pocket-money with your now-empty garage? Make it available for storing and recharging self-driving vehicles.

    Self-driving vehicles don’t even need to be safe. They just need to be safer than human-driven vehicles. That’s a VERY low base.

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